Wednesday, January 17, 2007

To Do List

Here is part of my To Do List for today. I'll edit from time to time throughout the day to show my progress. Completed items are in italics.

Kids on bus
Write chapter of fanfic
Write 500 words of novel
Blog about mosquito
Make dessert

1 comment:

Jes said...

Ok, so I didn't get much writing done today. I'm still working on chapter 64 of my fanfic. I had it about half written, but didn't like it. I deleted an entire scene and rewrote it. I'm still working on fixing the third scene. I have over 70,000 words now. I think when I get this done, I'll adapt it so that I can publish it. It shouldn't be too difficult to take out all of the copyrighted characters. Still, it's a long way from publishable.