So far, I've spent half of Lent being sick. I get really sick about once or twice a year, and I'm hoping this will be it for 2009.
I gave up pop again this year, as well as snacking. The snacking is actually the most difficult. I didn't realize how much snacking I've been doing.
I'm hoping the self discipline I'm learning will help me with my fitness goals for the year. I haven't quite given up on the idea of jogging/running(which I tried last year until my knees made me stop), so I asked my doctor about my knee problems, and he suggested I get knee braces and take up bicycling. Walking is still my preferred exercise at the moment, but if the braces help reduce the irritation, I might be able to step it up a bit. Riding a bike up and down a half-mile dirt lane ought to be a good workout. Regardless, I'll be making good use of our treadmill.