Tuesday, October 26, 2004

The Great Race for First Lady

It seems the most interesting part of the Presidential race this year is the battle of the potential First Ladies. Laura Bush is doing an excellent job courting the public and supporting her husband with grace and conviction. Meanwhile, Teresa Heinz-Kerry seems to be doing her very best to sabotage her husband's campaign. Every time she gets anywhere near a microphone, another embarrassment needs covering up. If Kerry is elected, Teresa will be a P.R. disaster for the administration. It's a wonder they let her near a microphone in the first place considering she has said from the beginning that she has no interest in being First Lady.

However, I can see why Mrs. Kerry may be upset over her husband's campaign strategy, as it is all aimed at the downfall of her social class. It must be quite a thing to know that your own husband plans to pay down a huge deficit mainly by taxing you and your friends. Perhaps that explains the notable lack of warmth and affection between the Kerry's.

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