Sunday, December 12, 2004

Blogger's Block?

Well, it seems I've gone a month without posting. Did anyone notice? Things got very busy in November and they're still busy. Tomorrow the last of the Christmas cards, save one, will be mailed out. Then there is the shopping to finish, gifts to wrap, bows to stick and tags to write out. Two more Christmas Programs to attend.

The only other real progress toward Christmas preparations is the tree. We do have a tree, a live one, and by some miracle I haven't forgotten to water it yet.

"Keep Christ in Christmas."


Anonymous said...

So your Christmas miracle was remembering to water the tree? kewl Saint!
Okay - who is the new artist of the month for January?

Jes said...

One thing at a time. My reader(there is likely only one :) hasn't had enough of a chance to look into December's.