Thursday, July 05, 2007

My Rules of Writing

Dear Reader, my last post gave me an idea. I'm going to list my Rules of Writing. I may add to them later on. If you should have any suggestions, feel free to share them in the comments section.

Patronized Saint's RULES OF WRITING:

1. Don't Write Crap*
2. Stay True to the Characters
3. Review and Revise
4. Editing is Never "Done" Until Publication

*This rule may be broken only in extreme cases of writer's block, and anything written in such cases is then especially subject to rule number 3.


Mike D said...

I have rules for writing too! Though mine are for blog posts... which are a bit different. I used your format, and substituted in my rules.

1. A bad post is not better than no post. But consistency is rewarded by readership... instead of discarding bad posts, revitalize them with mention of either robots or dinosaurs. Don't let more than two days pass without an update.

2. Stay Positive. Every bad thing ever written will be regretted later.

3. Review and Revise - bad grammar and poor spelling in posts only brings ridicule and lack of respect.

4. Publication does not end the effort. Blogs are conversations. Reward users who comment with attention. People love seeing their own name and are more likely to return if they feel involved.

Mike D said...

I guess I should title those...

Mike D's Self Rules for Blogging?

something like that.

Jes said...

I like your rules, Mike. I'm curious about rule #2, though. How do you stay positive when thinking about how bad things you wrote will be regretted? I'm feeling stressed just thinking about that.

Mike D said...

Ahh. By 'Stay positive' I meant more of... don't insult others. It's totally cool to post frustration... but I've found any personal attacks or negative feelings towards others tend to just escalate anger.