Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Blogging and the Super Duper Plans for 2023

 Dear Reader,

After a few years of trying out other blogs, I've decided to revive this one. I still have the blog for my writing, although I'm currently locked out(they were bought out and my sister has the new password). I've also got a blog about my new interest in financial independence and early retirement, commonly known by the acronym of FIRE. I've started and deleted two other blogs as well.

While I'll probably keep all three of the current blogs going for awhile, I'm going to try to keep things centralized here. I can write about anything here, and I like the easy style of blogger.

On to the planning phase of 2023. I like plans. I like to sit down and make goals and plan how to achieve them. The trouble comes in implementing and staying on track. Life has a way of laughing at my plans and throwing curve balls at me until I forget where I was going and how I was going to get there.

Other than blogging, I'm working steadfastly on my writing this year. I've been writing a minimum of 1,000 words a day on my fiction, including outlines. Outlines are also a new things for me. I don't outlining. My pantser self likes to write a story as though I'm reading it, not really knowing where it's going, or at least how it's going to get there. Eventually, that excitement dies down and the story gets to the point where it needs more structure than I've given it. That's where the outlines will come in handy. Granted, the stories are already in the works. The outlines are a guide, something to remind me of where the plots are supposed to be and help me not to drop them.

As far as word count goes, a thousand words a day is one full draft of a fantasy novel a year, or four to six other novels. Should I get tired of my fantasy book, I can move on to another story idea and keep going. There are endless ideas and words to be expressed, and this is probably the most exciting plan I have for this year.

Another of my plans is to organize my life. I'm not talking minimalism here, but there are places where we could stand to cut back. The less stuff you have to deal with, the easier it is to take it in hand. This includes cleaning schedules, budgeting and monetary goal setting, and just downsizing the "stuff" component in general. 

I'm also open to challenges and experiments, so if you happen to have a suggestion, feel free to comment or contact me.

Thanks and Happy New Year!


P.S. Tomorrow is my Grandma's 91st birthday. Happy Birthday Grandma!

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