Friday, May 26, 2006

Crazy Drivers

A post on Mike D.'s blog got me thinking about rude and/or crazy drivers. I happen to know one. He can't stand people who drive too fast, drive too slowly, cut him off only to turn a few blocks ahead, slow down way before they need to turn, and the usual: no turn indicator, practically stop in the middle of the road, won't stay in their own lane, refuse to yield to merging traffic, etc. He'll swear, honk, and sometime swerve at drivers who tick him off. He's likely to provoke road rage as retaliation.

It's funny how he doesn't like people who drive too fast, as he drives too fast himself. One time he got into a race with his sister. They were racing on the highway, taking turns passing each other. He says his father and grandfather used to race each other home from church. What a wonderful example they set.

He is actually a very good driver, just not a very safe one. Hopefully he'll grow up before he meets someone like himself on the road.

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