Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Lenten Prayer Project

Dear Reader, I wanted to do something different for Lent this year. I've decided to pray for a different country every day from Ash Wednesday to Good Friday. I'll pick a country at random, and pray for it throughout the day. I'll try to learn something about each country so that each day will also be a learning experience.

This project may require daily posting, something I've never really attempted. :)

It all starts tomorrow. Feel free to join in with prayers or suggested countries.


Mike D said...

Wow! Clever idea!!

I haven't decided what I'm doing yet. Sigh.

Jes said...

There's still time, Mike. I've never done anything except give stuff up, so this should be quite interesting. I also have an idea for next year, though it'll depend on circumstances whether I can do it.